About the creator
My name is Andrew Crawford and I’m an artist from Toronto who recently worked in animation as a layout designer, drawing many of the backgrounds for the new Nickelodeon show Zokie of Planet Ruby (out now on Amazon prime!…in America…)
My instagram handle is @snoophuman if you’re interested in seeing some of my work. I work primarily hand-drawing intricate things and have been fiddling with 3d CAD software for about a decade as well.
I have done professional work as an illustrator and have creating t-shirts, merchandise and album art for local musicians. I also work at a music venue part time as a bar-back and server and despite how dirty that job is - I do really love seeing bands play. Toronto’s music scene is solid gold.
For many years in my spare time I’ve enjoyed working on small Arduino projects and playing my favorite synthesizer - the Yamaha reface CS.
At some point in 2023 I decided to put my experience with Arduino, CAD software and programming to good use and created a simple patch saver. Over time I added new features like an arpeggiator, a chord generator and…well…a few months and a lot of programming tutorials later….here we are.
image of Andrew Crawford