Adding parameters
After you’ve named your device, its time to list some parameters. Every synth that uses CC or NRPN should have their parameter names and numbers listed in their manual. If you cant find your manual, check your device manufacturer’s website. Alternatitively https://midi.guide/ has a pretty darn comprehensive list of synths and their parameters as well.
MIDI Goblin is pretty specific about the way it handles memory, so there are some rules when it comes to naming a parameter.
Parameter name rules:
14 characters long maximum
Can consist of letter or numbers
special characters like @#$% are note allowed BUT "_” and “-” are permitted
If the parameter value you want to add is a CC type, selected CC from the type dropdown menu. Enter the name, CC number and click “add”
If the parameter value you want to add is a NRPN type, selected “NRPN” from the type dropdown menu. Enter the name, MSB and LSB values then click “add”
MIDI Goblin’s monitor app and controller display your devices parameters in the order you create this list. If you want to re-arrange your list, select and entry and use the MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN buttons.